The Eve Eve of My Last Exam!!! = The Start of Vegas Roll Building!!
Gone terrible! So far, well actually gone ok but my last one went really bad, which means the chances of me getting a 2:1 is very low! Probably the same chance of hitting a 2 outer on the turn or river! I am not a big fan of the education system of univerisity, i may have not put alot of effort into my studies while at Warwick but i feel i have not really learnt anything in three years, Uni seems alot about what you can find out, rather than what you can think about, i think the ability to think is more important than the ability to go to the library or the internet and find out Evans and Jovanvic view on finanical contraints of the level of talent of the new entreprenuer! The system at Warwick Busines School seems to not allow you to think and put your views across, which is a shame, oh well i felt i proved myself in the academic world after getting all As at A level and three years at University in terms of education was not for me! Although University is still great as it helps you develop into a well growned adult!
Roll Building and Vegas

OK! Back to the poker! I am going to get a bit more personal in my blog by including more figures of actual $$$s, i have tried not to do this too much before as i do not want people to think i am bragging, or the higher limit players to think, this guy is playing for peanuts or any other sterotype i might convey playing the limits i play. But then i thought! Hey! this blog is for me mainly and will hopefully give me something to look back on later on in life and hopefully to help my game.
For those who do not know i am going to Vegas on the 27th June and i am very excited! I am going with Dave Lu and Thomas Grundy, others will be around including Jambon Kader Porno (STA boys) and Scott O Reily. So there will be a good amount of warwick boys representing in Vegas! Now it will be my first time and the plan is to play at the Veintien for the $340 Deep Stack on the 28th June, the $1500 Braclet WSOP event 49 on the 30th June. I have about $9,000 which i am willing to spend in Vegas on everything!! Including tournaments, cash, food, entertainment, accomadtion and flights. Flights costing $1,600 and Accomadtion around $900. The $1,500 event for the WSOP event i am looking for rivercard to pay that for me with my action points, which leaves me with $7,000 - Hotel - Flights - Deepstack = $5,160, I have put in $2000 on, about

I will do daily blog up dates about my vegas roll, which in short is $2,000 on rivercard and $600 on poker stars and any other poker i will play from the 2nd June to the 27th June, which includes the Oxford Cup, DSOP event 7 and 8, Warwick Poker Soc tournaments and im sure a few visits to Stanely Casino and Star City.
Rivercard = $2,000 Poker Stars = $600 Live = $1,000
Wish me luck and Watch this Space!!!